EA FC 25 XBOX ONE & XBOX SERIES X|S Original game
Size : 46 GB
Game Original, Bisa Online dan Permanen.
Tidak ada pengiriman kaset fisik
Garansi bisa bermain dan mendapatkan throphy di ID anda sendiri tanpa tabrakan atau antri.
Perbedaan varian share
-PRIMARY/HOME XBOX : Bisa download dan main memakai user anda sendiri secara online maupun offline,
-SECONDARY/DOUBLE LOGIN : Saat akan bermain harus ada internet
Perbedaan Varian Private
-BLUE RAY : Anda akan mendapatkan Original XBOX BlueRay Disc game pesanan anda
-CDKEY : Game kami isikan ke MS XBOX ID anda melalui MS XBOX STORE atau kode Redeem
Kami akan kirimkan Detail Install beserta Akun (XBOX ID) melalui Whatsapp/Telegram
EDITION includes
Setelah order terkorfirmasi, Kami akan berikan panduan instalasi di hari yang sama melalui chat WhatsApp/Telegram
Game ini dibeli dari XBOX STORE 100% secara legal dan tanpa Ban issue.
Game bersifat permanen dan bisa di delete dan install ulang jika diperlukan
Lifetime warranty untuk semua produk primary dan secondary account
Garansi hilang jika anda ganti Email ID, Password, no HP dan backup email pada ID yg kami berikan.
Dilarang install di 2 konsol atau lebih.
Mohon gunakan Nomor telp WhatsApp/Telegram yang aktif untuk kita hubungi
EA FC 25 XBOX ONE & XBOX SERIES X|S Original game
Size : 46 GB
XBOX Series s/x Games Full Download Digital, Original Games, Can Be Online and Permanent.
No physically disk delivery
You will receive a XBOX ID containing the game license you ordered, so that after installation you can download the game in your console library
Different variants
-PRIMARY : Can play and get trophies using your own ID online and offline,
-SECONDARY : You have to play on the ID that we provide and must have internet connection.
Differences in Private Variants
-BLUE RAY: You will get the Original XBOX BlueRay Disc game order you order
-CDKEY: The game we fill in your MS XBOX ID via MS XBOX STORE or Redeem code
We will send you the Install Details along with the Account (XBOX ID) via Whatsapp/Telegram
EDITION includes
After the order is confirmed, we will provide an installation guide on the same day via chat WhatsApp/Telegram
This game was purchased from the XBOX STORE 100% legally and without ban issues.
Games are permanent and can be deleted and reinstalled if needed
Lifetime warranty for all Primary dan Secondary account product
The warranty will be lost if you change your Email ID, Password, cellphone number and backup email to the ID we provided.
Do not install on 2 consoles or more.
Please use an active WhatsApp/Telegram phone number for us to contact
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